Fred James
4 min readNov 1, 2020

As we age our skin looks older by every birthday but here are tips to look younger and special tip to get optimal result at the end of the article

Your body goes through a variety of changes throughout the normal aging process. Getting older means you’ll be facing changes to your body’s cells, tissues and organs, which affect the functioning of all your bodily systems. Muscle mass starts to decrease, your metabolism slows down and you may become prone to an array of chronic conditions. Although the aging process is unique to every individual, we’ll all face these changes in one way or another as we continue to add candles our birthday cakes.

How to Slow the Aging Process

However, there are a few ways to age as gracefully as possible. While time will continue to move forward, by taking some steps you can ensure you’re aging as healthy as possible while enjoying the highest quality of life.

A few ways to naturally slow the aging process include:

Eliminate processed foods from your diet. Processed foods contain a variety of ingredients that can cause inflammation and a weakened immune system the older you get. This inflammation is the cause of a variety of chronic conditions and leads to a lack of energy. Adopt a diet full of wholesome, nutritious and fresh foods to keep your body functioning at optimal levels.

Stay hydrated. When you don’t drink enough water, your skin looks dull and older. Water also helps lubricate the joints and flush out toxins from the body. To keep that youthful glow, aim to drink at least two liters of water every day.

Get your Zs:

As you sleep, your body has time to repair and rejuvenate all its systems. It’s said that just one less hour of sleep per night can increase cortisol levels tenfold, which leads to oxidative stress and affects the balance of your blood sugar levels. Establish a nightly routine to ensure you have plenty of time to unwind and relax from your day to get a proper night’s sleep.

Just like a lack of sleep can increase cortisol levels, feeling stressed out leads to higher cortisol levels, too. These high levels of cortisol can rob your body of essential minerals and lead to chronic conditions like diabetes, obesity, and even add more wrinkles to your skin. Try deep breathing exercises or simply take a brisk walk to lower your daily stress.

Add more physical activity. Speaking of taking that brisk walk, regular exercise can also help slow the aging process. The benefits of exercise for seniors are numerous and include reducing the risk for chronic conditions, improving mental health, slowing cognitive decline, and can even keep your skin looking healthier as toxins get released while you work up a sweat.

Make time for your friends:

Feeling lonely can increase your stress hormones and lead to a variety of health concerns like high blood pressure and heart disease. Make sure to carve out time throughout the week to spend with friends and loved ones, as staying socially active can really improve your overall health.

American Senior Communities offers a variety of senior healthcare services throughout our locations in Indiana and Kentucky. Contact us today to request more information.

Use Anti-aging creams

Anti-aging creams are predominantly moisturiser-based cosmeceutical skin care products marketed with the promise of making the consumer look younger by reducing, masking or preventing signs of skin aging. These signs are laxity (sagging), rhytids (wrinkles), and photoaging, which includes erythema (redness), dyspigmentation (brown discolorations), solar elastosis (yellowing), keratoses (abnormal growths), and poor texture

Despite great demand, many anti-aging products and treatments have not been proven to give lasting or major positive effects. One study found that the best performing creams reduced wrinkles by less than 10% over 12 weeks, which is not noticeable to the human eye.[2] Another study found that cheap moisturisers were as effective as high-priced anti-wrinkle creams.[3] A 2009 study at Manchester University, funded by the manufacturer of the cream, showed that a proprietary blend of ingredients had a positive effect after six months of daily application when extrapolated to a twelve month basis of comparison.[4][5] The statistical methods used to show this have been criticized.[6]

Traditionally, anti-aging creams have been marketed towards women, but products specifically targeting men are increasingly common.[7]

But do anti aging creams actually work?

This product was reviewed on a woman and it showed that it actually worked and it had a lasting effect on the client.

After two weeks this was what we got

The product worked very well and is proven to have a lasting effect on the cclient this was the product used;

A product that helps wrinkly and dry skin to be moisturized to produce a younger looking

If you want results like this I suggest you try this:

*The product is guaranteed to have a lasting

anti aging effect.

Follow me on instagram: @rockmonster_7



